Scott Bohne Celebrates 30 Years


What brought you to Alaska?

When I graduated from college, (with my degree in Architecture), the construction industry was in a deep recession. In my hometown in Minnesota there were no jobs locally, and the big firms just laid off more than 100 experienced people. After researching, I discovered Alaska’s construction industry was quite busy, so I decided to give it a try for a year and sent out some resumes. Upon receipt of an offer, I packed my car and headed north to the “Last Frontier.” While there, I met my wife and we bought a small house and put down roots.

What was your first experience with RIM?

Larry Cash hired me as an intern while he was working at another firm, prior to starting Larry S. Cash Architects, now RIM Architects. Once Larry left that company to establish his own architectural firm, I knew I wanted to work there. I updated my resume, printed two copies, and handed Larry one. I was hired. As a newly registered professional architect, my first project was a Boiler Room Addition to Providence Hospital.


What is your favorite project and why?

That’s like asking: “Which is your favorite child?” How about a few projects?

  • Northrim Bank, Southside: This was one of my first designs of a free-standing building with a client seeking a signature building to reflect their place in the banking community. I had total design control of all aspects of the building and think it was one of my best designs.
  • UAA/APU Consortium Library: My role was limited to answering questions and writing the specifications. I led the Construction Contract Administration phase and resolved many issues. Knowing this was an iconic design for both the firm and the client, I worked hard to maintain a high level of construction quality and aesthetics. I worked with the Contractor to identify potential coordination issues in advance and came up with creative solutions to complicated problems.
  • Department of Corrections projects: One of my mantras is to learn something new every day. These projects required me to learn detention door hardware and to think about security and safety in a different way. This tested my knowledge and required learning new skills. This work was also instrumental in leading to my fascination with roof replacements.

Why did you decide to specialize in roofs?

Roofing kind of found me. I’ve always been a technical detailer versus the creative designer. One of my earliest projects with RIM was to replace a roof for the Department of Corrections (DOC) where they decided to install the roof themselves, using inmate labor. Our design drawings were more like shop drawings showing every lap and layer of built-up roofing. I worked with a roofing consultant and roofing manufacturers to learn all I could to develop these documents. We also worked with a former roofer as a field quality control inspector to assist DOC in the installation of the roof. I learned a ton and started expanding this knowledge base. Afterwards, we won a roofing term agreement with the State of Alaska DOT&PF and I learned even more in terms of design and installation. Roofing Contractors have taught me more than any book I have ever read on roofing. By the way, that roof I designed, using inmate construction labor lasted nearly 30 years and I am now designing a roofing replacement for that same building.

What achievement are you most proud of while working at RIM?

I have become a talented problem solver, capable of taking a challenging problem and breaking it down to manageable tasks that can be resolved. I bring valuable experience to review a set of documents and coordinate all disciplines to tighten up the documents, including constructability reviews. I have become a respected member in the architectural/ engineering/ construction community and am specifically known for my roof replacement design abilities. I have developed a studio that specializes in roof and siding design and repairs to continue this legacy. When people asked Larry what made him successful, he replied “I hired good people and I listened to them.” I like to think I was part of that.

What is your favorite thing about RIM?

My favorite thing is the people. I love working with these talented and creative people, and I appreciate the fun and humor they bring to the workplace.  

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